Empowerment Coaching

Partnering with clients to gain clarity on their priorities.

What does TWIDWID mean

TWIDWID, short for "The Way I Do What I Do," is a powerful concept deeply rooted in the wisdom of Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." It embodies the idea that with faith, determination, and the guidance of one's beliefs, individuals can overcome challenges and achieve remarkable feats in their endeavors. TWIDWID inspires a mindset of unwavering confidence and resilience, reminding us that we have the inner strength to face any obstacle and pursue our goals with unwavering determination. It's a motivating philosophy that empowers us to embrace life's journey with faith and courage.

Our work together

1. Eliminate Fear and Doubt: Create a Mindset of Confidence Working with me involves dismantling the barriers of fear and doubt that often hinder personal and professional growth. We'll embark on a journey to cultivate unwavering confidence. Through deep self-reflection, goal setting, and tailored strategies, we'll confront and conquer the doubts that have held you back. By harnessing the power of positive psychology and personal development techniques, you'll gain the mental resilience needed to face challenges head-on.

2. Clear Goals: Build Motivation and Take Action to Overcome Challenges Clarity is the cornerstone of success. Together, we'll define clear and achievable goals that align with your aspirations. We'll create a roadmap that breaks these goals into manageable steps. This process not only fosters motivation but also equips you with the tools to tackle obstacles systematically. I'll guide you in crafting an action plan that transforms dreams into reality, keeping you focused on your journey to success.

3. Get Focused: Identify and Employ New Tools and Resources In our collaboration, we'll pinpoint your strengths and areas for improvement. We'll explore new tools, resources, and strategies tailored to your unique needs. Whether it's time management techniques, skill-building exercises, or technology solutions, we'll ensure you have the resources to optimize your efforts. Together, we'll fine-tune your approach, so you can work smarter, not just harder.

4. Accountability Partner: Hold You Accountable for the Outcomes You Want to Achieve Accountability is the linchpin of progress. I will serve as your accountability partner, providing support, encouragement, and a structured framework to help you stay on track. We'll regularly review your progress, celebrate achievements, and recalibrate strategies if necessary. This collaborative commitment to accountability ensures that you remain aligned with your goals and remain steadfast in your journey toward success.

In summary, our partnership will revolve around empowering you to eliminate fear and doubt, set clear and motivating goals, stay focused on your objectives, and maintain accountability throughout your journey. Together, we'll create a path to unlock your full potential and achieve the outcomes you aspire to.

At first I did not know what to totally expect from a life coach, but boy was I in for a treat. The thing I like about Christian is that she listens to you and its a 50/50 partnership. I am pretty goal-oriented but upon enrolling in an online certification program, and having sat on it for a year without making any progress, I knew something needed to be done. I needed to reset my goals. I needed a little motivation. And Christian was the person I need to get me back on track. I only had 8 sessions, but that was what I needed to get me back on track. Christian had me doing an action plan as soon as I started to settle back into my old ways of procrastination when it came down to this certification program. Although my progress was significant, it would have been inexistent if Christian didn’t find a way to get me back on track when life challenges kept me from reaching my goals. Christian also helped me in other areas of my life like finances, setting schedules, and ways to answer difficult questions while giving ‘witty’ answers, to name a few. I like Christian’s style. She is a great motivator and team player. Although my sessions have come to an end, I will definitely seek her services in the future if I need some more help with getting things done in a timely fashion. In short, I would definitely recommend her services to anyone in the future.
— RoRo
Christian always has a way to calm me down before I make any crazy decisions while I’m emotional at the same not making me feel that I’m being irrational. She is very easy to talk to and gives me her undivided attention and really listens to me. Then provides sound advice without being judgmental, which keeps me calm and more willing to think beyond my point of view. I can trust her to keep our conversation confidential. She’s the best!
— Sy Falefitu

Partnering with clients to get clear on what is important.